Taboire (Ononis angustissima)

Dense, highly branched woody shrub, up to 80 cm tall. Leaves trifoliate, herbaceous, sticky, dark green with toothed margins. Flowers are terminal or subterminal and yellow with reddish veins. Fruits (legumes) long, brown and 2-2.5 cm long. Typical of the central and eastern Canary Islands and North West Africa (Morocco). Highly characteristic of arid or semi-arid slopes between 200 and 1,100 m altitude, where it is often abundant, especially in Gran Canaria. It is only found in a few areas in the southeast and south-southwest of Tenerife, between Güímar and Adeje, and is also very restricted in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. There are two subspecies: O. angustissima and O. longifolia.

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