Phylogenetic relationships of gadfly petrels Pterodroma spp. from the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean: molecular evidence for specific status of Bugio and Cape Verde petrels and implications for conservation
Tipo de docuento: Artículo de revista
Autor JESUS, J., ... [et al.]
Título: Phylogenetic relationships of gadfly petrels Pterodroma spp. from the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean: molecular evidence for specific status of Bugio and Cape Verde petrels and implications for conservation
Descripción fisica: 16 p.: fig. + mapa + gráf. + tabla
Descripción fuente: BCI: vol. 19, nº 3, p. 199-214
Periodicidad: Trimestral
Notas: "Bird Conservation International" Colabora: British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). ISSN: 0959-2709
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